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on polymer photorefractive materials has already obtained long-lasting development, and the photosensitizer, charge transport and electro-optics molecule have been recognized clearly, the systematic research of trap state, polarization and relaxation process has not been conducted yet because of the complicated structure and composition. Moreover, the trap mechanism and microcosmic process have not been clearly understood, and characterization methods not perfected, which has extremely restricted the further research and application of photorefractive polymer. Applying nonisothermal technology, namely, thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC or TSC), thermoluminescence (TL) and dielectric spectroscopy, some research on the carrier trap center and polarization and relaxation process of photorefractive polymer was carried out. In the paper, the electrode system of the original TL/TSC measurement instrument was improved, which greatly facilitated sample exchange and increased liquid nitrogen’s flowing and cooling speed. A film-forming method suitable for thermal stimulation was explored. A new type of photorefractive organic material, nitryl azobenzene grafting PVK, was synthesized and characterized with IR spectra. The chromophore of 5OCB was synthesized; the optimal mass ratio of PVK/5OCB/C60 of 49.8:50:0.2 was found; and preliminary optical test was carried out.

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