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    In these several decades, most oceangrapher and climatologist pay more and more attention to global variance of the ocean and atmosphere. Scientists found that once it occur El Nino 3-7 years a time, it means that the sea surface temperature(for short SST) of the earth' s equator East Pacific Ocean South American seacoast area will be higher than normal years. And it will cause lots of the area' s fish to be dead, great range reduction of fish captures, and global abnormal climate. The abnormal SST of equator East Pacific Ocean seacoast area become an important symbol of El Nino. Now scientists regard the area' s extent of normal SST as a guideline of the intensity of El Nino.


     In the recent decades, most oceanographer and climatologist paid more and more attention to the global variance of the ocean and atmosphere. Scientists found that the El Nino occurs once 3 to 7 years a time. When it does, the sea surface temperature (abbreviated as SST) of the earth' s equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean in the South American seacoast area will be higher than that in normal years. And it will cause lots of fish dead in the area, great reduction of fish captures, and global abnormal climate. The abnormal SST of equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean in the South American seacoast area becomes an important symbol of El Nino. Now scientists regard the area' s extent of normal SST as a guideline of the intensity of El Nino

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